Following through on a new years resolution

One of the few creative things I can do is cook and bake, and tend to make things up as I go along. Here is my attempt to document my creativity.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Two Salads Collide: Cous Cous on Greens

Cous Cous. So nice they named it twice. And this is actually my first time making Cous Cous! This is a combo of a warm and a cold salad. and it tastes pretty good cold the next day.

1 whole chicken breast (or two halves) pre marinated in lemon herb seasoning. available in Henry's meat section

cous cous
1 box of plain cous cous
1 box of chicken broth - or a couple cans

EVOO - Extra Virgin Olive Oil
7 cloves of garlic minuced
1 red pepper diced
1 zuchini sliced
red pepper flakes
1 cup of mini tomatos
1 can of artichoke hearts in water - diced
1 large handful of basil - julienned
1 lemon
feta cheese

1 set of mixed greens

You will need two pans, one saucepan - for the cous cousand one sautee pan. Cous Cous requires a one to one ratio liquid to cous cous. So it's easy to remember. Boil the directed amount - this was just a 4 -6 serving small box of cous cous - of chicken broth. Add cous cous and turn off heat. cover and let it sit for about 5 minutes or so. then fluff with a fork. In the meantime:

In the sautee pan, drizzle a couple tablespoons of EVOO and heat. place the chicken breasts whole in the pan and brown both sides until done, about 5 minutes a side. Remove from heat and place in a plate and cover with aluminum foil. This will carry over cook.

Drizzle more EVOO in the pan and cook garlic for a minute, then add zuke and red pepper. Add a few pinches of red pepper flakes and season with salt and pepper. add in the rest of the veggies as you chop them. Then add the cous cous and basil. mix well and fluff. squeeze over the lemon juice and add a handful of feta.

On a cutting board slice the chicken. Take any juiced from the chicken plate and put that in the cous cous and mix

On a plate, arrange some greens with some cucumber. top with feta sliced chicken. next to it place a couple scoops of the cous cous. This also works by layering the cous cous on top of the greens, then adding the chicken on top.

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